Laid To Rest

by Lamb Of God

Guitar Pro Tab  |  v5.10  |  Posted on Feb. 20, 2012, 6:28 p.m. ← Back

Guitar Pro Tab Summary


Ashes Of The Wake

Song Author

Lamb Of God

Tabbed by

Liam Briggs -


1st → Lead Vocals
2nd → Guitar 1
3rd → Backing Vocals
4th → Guitar 3
5th → Guitar 2
6th → Drums
7th → Bass

File Size

178 KB




If there was a sin-gle day I could live, a sin-gle breath I could take, I'd trade all the ot-hers a-way. The blood's on the wall, so you might as well just ad-mit it, and bleach out the stains, com-mit to for-get-ting it. You're bet-ter off emp-ty and blank than left with a sin-gle pa-the-tic trace of this. Smo-ther a-no-ther fail-ure, lay this to rest. Con-sole your-self, you're bet-ter a-lone. Des-troy your-self, see who gives a f**k. Ab-sorb your-self, you're bet-ter a-lone. Des-troy your-self! I'll chain you to the truth, for the truth shall set you free. I'll turn the screws of ven-geance and bu-ry you with ho-nes-ty. I'll make all your dreams come to life, and slay them as quick-ly as they came. Smo-ther a-no-ther fail-ure, lay this to rest. Con-sole your-self, you're bet-ter a-lone. Des-troy your-self, see who gives a f**k. Ab-sorb your-self, you're bet-ter a-lone. Des-troy your-self! See who gives a f**k. See who gives a f**k. See who gives a f**k. Fail-ure! If there was a day I could live. If there was a sin-gle breath I could take, I'd trade all the ot-hers a-way. I'd trade all the ot-hers a-way.